By using webmail you can quickly remove email from an entire folder from your account or you can remove the email complete in the control panel deleting all the files.
Deleting Emails by Folder in Roundcube
- Log in to Webmail.
- Select Roundcube if not already your default webmail.
- Once you’re signed in. Select the folder you wish to remove all the emails from.
- At the bottom of the panel, click Select.
5. On the drop-down, choose All.
6. At the top of the inbox, choose Delete.
Deleting Emails by Folder in Horde
- Log in to Webmail.
- Select Horde if not already your default webmail.
- Select the folder you wish to remove all the emails from.
- Click the checkbox next to “From” to select all emails.
- Choose Delete from the upper left corner.
Deleting Emails from the Control Panel
To delete all the email in an email account without the use of a webmail account, you can delete the email account and recreate it in your control panel. This deletes all of the emails on the server for that email account.
- Log in to your cPanel account.
- Click the Email And navigate to Email accounts
- Click Manage to the right of the appropriate email accounts.
4. Scroll to the bottom and select Delete.
5. To recreate the email, Go back to the Email Accounts page and select Create.
6. Recreate the email account using the same username.