Softaculous, however, has a new clone feature that makes cloning much simpler. Cloning enables you to create an exact copy of an existing Softaculous installation. Below is a quick step-by-step guide on how to clone your site with Softaculous.
- Login to your cPanel account.
- Locate and click ‘Softaculous Apps Installer’.
- Click the application in which you want to clone and Click on ‘Clone’.
- Enter the Clone installation details.
- Choose Protocol: Stick with the default https://
Choose Domain and leave the In Directory blank(if you are moving to a subfolder, enter that here).
Database Name: Leave it as default or enter a database name
Once the required information for your clone has been filled in, click on the Clone Installation
- Softaculous will install the clone to the new folder(domain/subdomain)you selected. It also clones the database as well so that each copy has its own. (Be sure that you have enough room on your hosting plan for the databases or your clone will fail).
- The time required to clone a site depends on the size of the source installation.
- The username and password for the cloned site are the same as for the source installation.